for Grandma

I would like to spend time here telling you about my grandma....
I guess the best place to start is from what I know about her.
she was married at age 14 to my grandfather, who she stayed married to for a lot of years till he passed away.

Among her accomplishments in life...... she has helped raise 3 kids, 4 grand kids and 14 great grand kids..

and now waiting on the second great-great grand kid
her life has never been easy...
my grand father was a firm beleaver in the early to bed early to rise..
(and she was always the first one up and the last to sleep)
BUT .....She was always there.
from peanut butter cookies to swats with a switch.
From makeing doll clothes to playing cars in the dirt
We all have a very special relationship with her,
She is a truley Special person to me
Those of us kids who are lucky enough to live close
have a great time sharing many laughs and smiles with her.

I hope you have enjoyed this page,
and Ill be adding more to it as time permits

Sadly this page has lacked my attion from when i first built it now i add with much sorrow my grandmas loss ...or should I say my loss ...till the last time I spoke with her with in hours of her death she still wore the smile and the hope that every thing was right with the world ...she will be missed deeply..

Written by G.H.

On a spring day the trees show green, on an autumn day the leaves fall, but life goes on, a dream within a dream.
Within the dream the illusion of our lives, twists and turns each day, until darkness falls.
And illusion is all our lives, just a look at one fleeting moment, in a mayfly's day.
Flying and soaring to heights, to depths unfound, to extasy and agony.
But the mayfly settles on a twig, a leaf falls, until the spring.

the above poem was writen by a friend the day grandma passed on ...