Shotiz's Page

Hi, this web page is for ya-ya's. I 'm Shotiz, this cute little name was givein' to me by my loving husband. he is also my best friend. Many people in this world never find that someone who they can honestly tell anything to, and it took me five tries to get it right. Well now, after all this time, all the changes, and all our problems, I want the world to know that Philip M. McClure, you are my love, my best friend, and I hope you'll always be.

NOW...for the really good stuff, I'm 33, part Cherokee Indian,(bright red hair, go figure) a proud mother and am now trying to get a college degree. I enjoy everything from my Webtv (of course), to little league baseball.

My son Harley has been diagnoised with ADHD, which stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder. He can be a real handful at times, but he is always a blessing. He has truly made me slow down and think about life, and he is doing really well in spite of his difficulties.

I, on the other hand, have been diagnosed with a condition known as Bi-Polar Disorder, which means that I can be a real witch some time (hehehe) and a very loving person at other times....don't believe me? Well, ask my hubby, he can tell you ALL about it! LOL

I live in scenic North-Eastern Oklahoma, where the peace and tranquillity help me deal with life day by day. If you have never visited Oklahoma, you don't know what you are missing! It is the most beautiful place on earth to me, and I should know! :-)

My best friend is my 3 month old Chihuahua, Tott, who thinks he is a Doberman (he is colored like one), until my cat Cry-Baby puts him in his place. He is my honey. ( Don't tell my hubby) :-)

So as everything goes in circles, it brings us back to the beginning. My hubby. He has a ailment called Chronic Fatique Syndrome, (aren't we a lucky bunch!) which is called CFS for short. We won't go into that much, as I am giving you a link so that he can tell you that story himself. :-)

Thank you for visiting, and I hope you can stop by again, as I hope to be able to put some more positive happenings from my life here from time to time.

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