Dedicated to Ex- Spouses that are Friends Everywhere
Hi, this is Shotiz again...:0) I got a great idea ,while working so hard on making my pages just right. I got a few letters from others that are also friends with there ex's.

So in the spirit of things (so to speak) I thought I'd try to put together a page to hopefully help ex's understand each other better. You are welcome to vent or express yourself.

But I do ask that you keep in mind that kids may visit this site also. So no vulgar language please. And I want it to remain fun so lets go.........hehe

Leave your message or comment concerning your ex-spouse below, and it will be posted here for others to see. Keep in mind that your ex may visit this site also! LOL Your name will be posted along with your message if it is included in your message.
Have Fun !!

Name: Philip (aka Waltham)

Hi, I am Shotiz's (aka honeymay) ex, and I helped her make this page, after she came up with the idea.... We are pretty close for ex's, maybe sometimes too close.... but we still have a lot of fun together, and a lot of the stress that caused out marriage to dissolve has been relieved. We hope to maybe sometime in the distant future, try things again, when the situation is better for us. In the meantime, we share a lot of common interests, like the internet, which by the way I helped get her hooked on... LOL I think this page is a really neat idea, and will be watching it to see how other ex's deal with their friendships,and if it is really true that ex's are supposed to buy their ex-wives presents all of the time, like shotiz says. LOL

Name: Cherri (aka shotiz, honeymay)

.......I have only one thing to say..... Honey U get your share of presents.hehe. And yes every day U spend with me is a holiday,So yes you are supposed to give gifts for holidays...

My ex-wife is such a loser..!! LOL.. After cheating on me while I worked 2 f/t time jobs to support the lazy ----- because she didnt want to work, I threw her boyfriend out a second story window and threw her out on the front lawn bare --- naked to be with her newly broken boyfriend. Hope they are happy together.

Hi its me again, I had clean up the language in this one. I ask again that if you want your comments posted here, please keep it clean..Now as for the person who wrote this I wish you luck ..I hope that in time your pain and anger heals enough to forgive and be friends with your ex. :0)

Name Sharie
Comments Hey, you've done a great job here!! I didn't realize the part about the presents, but I'll be sending my "ex" this site address (g). I'd just like to say my "ex" is a great guy (for the MOST part), and I can always count on him. He was at my house Xmas morning at 6:30, because our daughter wanted him to watch her open presents. I know alot of guys that would've had a thousand excuses not to be there at that un-Godly hour!!

I dont know if it will work for you or not :) it was a so called uhhh.... yeah ! it was in our divorce papers.LOL

Name kenneth
Comments my ex is my best friend ,as long as we don't live in the same area

